Fine Art at Schoonselhof
The Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) is reopening after a 10-year renovation. To celebrate this long-awaited reopening, Schoonselhof invites you to take a walk along the graves of 15 well-known and surprisingly unknown painters from the KMSKA-collection.
Discover the stories behind the gravestones. Get to know the lives and work of the painters who lie buried here and immerse yourself in the closely interconnected Antwerp art scene of the 19th and 20th century.
Commissioned by the City of Antwerp
Concept and execution: Geheugen Collectief
Images: KMSKA, Letterenhuis
Translation: Suzanne Heukensfeldt Jansen
Thanks to: Jacques Buermans, Hendrik De Bouvre, Greet Donckers, Elise Gacoms, and Frank Van Eeckhout
📏 2km
🕑 1h30min
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