On the trail of the lines

It is no coincidence that the Damme polder landscape has been recognized by Flanders as part of Landscape Park Zwinstreek and by Unesco as a unique geological site in Geopark Schelde Delta.

In this landscape we can still find many traces of forts, lines and fortification elements that together we call the State-Spanish lines.

Discover the rich history of Damme, from port city to fortified town and experience why it is now one of the most valuable pieces of nature.

šŸ“ 6 km
šŸ•‘ 2h
šŸ“ Parking Damme Zuid, Damse Vaart-Zuid 2, 8340 Damme
šŸ Parking Damme Zuid, Damse Vaart-Zuid 2, 8340 Damme

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