Historical Walk Bombing April 5

Historical Walk Bombing April 5

The American bombing of Mortsel took place on April 5, 1943 and, with 936 dead, was the heaviest in Belgium during World War II. Based on the book Tranen over Mortsel, a historical walk through affected Mortsel was mapped out under the direction of historian Pieter Serrien and in collaboration with Geheugen Collectief. At 16 locations there are inox memory panels with a short explanation and testimonies. The walk starts at the missed target, the Erla factory, and ends at the cemetery of Mortsel-village, where you can view the memorial wall and walk among the memorial crosses of the victims.

The brochure "Historical Walk Bombardment April 5, 1943" is available at the city reception, Stadsplein, Mortsel.

📏 9.5 km
📍 Vredebaan 72, 2640 Mortsel
🏁 Lepelstraat 1, 2640 Mortsel