Dementia-friendly walk Oostnieuwkerke

Dementia-friendly walk Oostnieuwkerke

Dementia is a complex condition that affects lives of millions of people around the world, both those affected by it themselves and their loved one or caregiver. It can be a challenging and emotional journey, but with the right knowledge and approach, we can make this journey a little easier. During this dementia-friendly walk, we invite you to embark on a journey together and grow closer together.

Because persons with dementia can often still talk a lot about memories of the past, which increases self-confidence and self-esteem. It gives peace and relaxation and so the past forms a foothold for daily life and the future. A positive effect, then, not only for those with dementia, but also for those around them. Recalling memories is often called "reminiscence. And that is the intent of this dementia-friendly walk.

πŸ“ 3.5 km
πŸ“ WZC De Oever or Kerckstede