Vrasene 888 Years
Vrasene exists 888 years
Vrasene already existed in the time of the Neanderthals. Had those remains coincidentally been found first in Vrasene and only later in the Neanderthal, we would now be speaking in history books of "Vrasenedaelers."
In a document of 1136 there is the first mention of the district of Zalegem. There, there is no explicit reference to Vrasene. In 1137 a document speaks of that same Zalegem as a "vicus" this is "district" of Vrasene.
Zalegem was a district of Vrasene (today of Saint-Gilles), so we can say with certainty that Vrasene already existed in 1136.
Via this tour you can, by means of the qr-codes, learn more about the rich (and forgotten?) history of Vrasene.
Also for the youth there are nice stories to discover with each piece of information!
Have fun!
📏 Village center of Vrasene
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