Out and about with Saint Martin in Lebbeke, Berlare and Wichelen

Although Saint Martin is still actively celebrated in our region, traditional elements are fading more into the background and the differences with St. Nicholas celebrations are getting smaller. Through 5 Saint Martin routes, we highlight the practices and places associated with Saint Martin in our region. These routes are part of the more than 5000 km long 'Via Sancti Martini', a Cultural Route recognized by Europe.
This Saint-Maarten route through Lebbeke, Berlare and Wichelen runs largely along the GR128. The hiking direction is indicated by a combination of the Sint-Martinus sticker and the red and white GR indication (https://www.groteroutepaden.be/nl/bewegwijzering-en-onderhoud). To discover the Sint-Maarten heritage in Berlare, leave the GR trail and follow the green arrows. This trail further rejoins the GR128 trail.
Attention: this trail is not a loop! You can easily return to and from Wetteren or Oudegem by train.
More information: www.dijk92.be/sint-maarten/route
📏 27 km