Torhout city walking tour

Torhout city walking tour

Torhout has been writing its story since Roman times. The counts of Flanders had a thing for the city, which was located at a junction of important trade route. The capital of the Houtland counts several landmarks. Where today athletes push their limits, the horse market important to Torhout was once held. The mustard shop Wostyn exudes craftsmanship in everything. The Museum Torhouts Aardewerk displays world-famous ceramics in art nouveau style. Façades are decorated with surprising street art and in parks modern artworks stand next to centuries-old heritage.

A map of the citywalk is available in English - French and German at the tourist infopoint 'Vrijetijdshuis', Markt 1. The cost for the map is € 4,00,-.

📏 3.7 km
⭐ easy
📍 Kasteel Ravenhof, Ravenhofstraat 5, 8820 Torhout
🏁 Kasteel Ravenhof, Ravenhofstraat 5, 8820 Torhout