The Leuven Years

The Leuven Years

In this walk you will learn about Jaartallenleven, a unique phenomenon in Leuven where men or women of 40 unite on their way to their 50th birthday. UNESCO even included Jaartallenleven in their list of intangible heritage. Along 10 locations, Marc Juchtmans, a member of the Men of 55, takes you on a tour. As icing on the cake, he tells some juicy stories in Leuven dialect.

This walk is a realization of Het Koninklijk Verbond der Jaartallen, De Vrouwelijke Jaartallen, De Academie van het Leuvens and Erfgoedcel Leuven.

Photos: Jan Crab, Het Verbond der Jaartallen, Stadsarchief Leuven and Dominique Provost.

πŸ“ 2.5 km
πŸ•‘ +-90 min
πŸ“ Grand Market
🏁 Grand Market