Mill Trail

This walk in Oosterzele visits a watermill and three windmills. Two of those windmills, the Klepmolen and the Windekemolen, still turn regularly. Along the way you will enjoy unique landscapes, some of which, like the sand quarry, date back to the ice age. This is where the Balegem stone finds its origin : a yellow-gray, soft, calcareous sandstone, formerly used in the construction of cathedrals and town halls all over Europe. A showpiece of a different caliber is the Balegemse jenever, an authentic 'drop' spiritually distilled at Stokerij Van Damme. Stop, taste and enjoy!
📏 13.4 km
📍 Stokerij Van Damme, Issegem 2, Oosterzele
🏁 Stokerij Van Damme, Issegem 2, Oosterzele