Heritage in the Stiemervalley Genk

In the Stiemer Valley you will find a lot of special real and movable heritage. Throughout history, man has always made use of the Stiemer. The erfgoedapp Faro takes you along eight interesting heritage beacons in the Stiemervalley, namely the Waterschei mine site, the Schans in the Schansbroek neighborhood park, the Mot ruins, the SportinGenk Park, the sunken Hostaertmolen, the bomb craters on Kielenswen, the Slagmolen and the De Maten nature reserve.
Each beacon can also be visited separately.
📏 8 km
🕑 5-10 minutes per beacon - 2 hours to see everything
📍 a point of your choice
🏁 a point of your choice