Pilgrim roads through Flanders to Compostela
In cooperation with the Compostela Society, you can find here all the pilgrim routes that pass through Flanders and Brussels and that people use to walk to Santiago de Compostela. These routes connect to the routes in France and continue to Spain and Portugal.
You can of course walk part of the route as a day trip or multiple days, if you would like more information about the journey to Compostela please contact the Compostela Society (compostelagenootschap.be).
Pilgrimage is traveling to a holy place. That used to be a clear description, pilgrimage was an entirely religious event. Pilgrims went out to pray, to venerate a saint, to do penance, to ask forgiveness. But pilgrimage is evolving. In the secularized world, pilgrimage can also have a non-religious meaning. Each pilgrim fills in the concept of pilgrimage in his or her own way. A pilgrim may have one motive but often has several. And once on the road, the motives can also change.
There are still religious motives, in addition to sporting and social ones: establishing friendships, cultural-historical interests, enjoying the landscape and nature. But very many pilgrims also want to put things in order in this sometimes hectic society, look backwards and forwards (after studies, at retirement ...), want to recognize again what is important in their own lives, in living together with other people, in their relationship with - or search for - the Other, the supernatural, usually called God.
š You can start wherever you want.