Old foliage

Old foliage

Some plants and trees have been at home in the city for a long time. Their planting is related to certain traditions or the customs of a particular era. Think of welcome trees that were planted at the entrance to a farm's yard or the construction of boardwalks in common public places. Some other trees were planted for specific utilitarian considerations: to keep out the wind or sun on a sports field, to create a shady terrace at an inn, to mark a border or courthouse, ...
Students of the 5th year Latin Modern Languages and Modern Languages Mathematics from Campus Glorieux Secundary in Ronse, under the guidance of the city's Archives & Heritage Department and Regional Landscape Flemish Ardennes, set out to find the heritage story of several trees in the city center. Based on a walking guide compiled by the students, you can take a walk along this lesser known heritage yourself.
Starting point: Hoge Mote, De Biesestraat 2 in Ronse
Accessible for persons with ASD (Autism), Persons with an auditory impairment or disability, Persons with a physical disability, Persons with a mental disability, Persons with a mental disability, Persons with a visual impairment or disability, For everyone!

📏 4.5 km
🕑 one and a half to two hours
⭐ easy
📍 De Biesestraat Ronse
🏁 De Biesestraat Ronse