Chapels route in Oostduinkerke-Wulpen

This bicycle tour starts on the square near the NAVIGO Fisheries Museum. From here we leave in the direction of Oostduinkerke-Bad to discover the chapels of Oostduinkerke and Wulpen. During this you will learn about the history of the chapels, the motives of the builders, the customs and rituals and the saints to whom the chapels are dedicated. As you will see, chapels exist in different sizes and shapes, from majestic to a small niche with a statue. On our tour, we will include only those chapels that can be easily seen from the public road, but some of the disappeared chapels will also be covered.
Want to know more? There is also a comprehensive brochure available in the services of Tourism of Koksijde for the price of €5.
📍 NAVIGO Fisheries Museum