Streuveling through Heule

Theme walk using multimedia (text, image and audio) on the occasion of 150 years of Stijn Streuvels. Frank Lateur (author name Stijn Streuvels) was born in Heule in 1871 and lived there until 1887. The walk is based on three story lines: (1) Streuvels' childhood memories which he recorded in his book 'Heule' in 1942, (2) the Murder of Heule (1880), a dramatic incident following the School Struggle, which Streuvels was strongly impressed by as a boy, and (3) a number of juicy anecdotes from the police reports of the municipality of Heule during the period 1880-1882. Often the three story lines cross, for example because certain characters in the police reports also appear in Streuvels' book and/or have something to do with the Murder.
The course is a loop of some 7.3 km with start and finish at Heuleplaats. This is an initiative of Confrérie de Griffioen with the support of Heemkundige Kring 'Langs d'Heuleboorden' and Stad Kortrijk. Streuvelen door Heule' can be experienced via Erfgoedapp ( and is part of the regional festival program around '150 years Streuvels' (
The beautiful walking guide (including a handy map) is for sale for 6 euro at café Dudu (Heuleplaats, at the start of the walk).
Profile photo of Streuvels: Collection City of Antwerp, Letterenhuis
📏 7.3 km
🕑 2 to 2.5 hours
⭐ 4/10
📍 Heuleplaats
🏁 Heuleplaats