Heemkring "the Semse"

Heemkring "the Semse"

Welcome to the heemkring "de Semse", Schoolstraat 17 in Zemst.
With our permanent exhibitions we show you a picture of Zemst through the ages.

We start with the "Bos van Aa". This now abandoned sand quarry by the canal yielded a wealth of fossil material. Bones of mammoths, woolly rhinos, etc. tell us more about how things were in Zemst some 10,000 years ago. Text and explanation in Braille as well as in normal writing!

In the 'Vicus of Elewijt' a little insight is given into the daily life of our ancestors in the first three centuries of our era, based on utensils excavated in the vicinity of the beltway and dioramas.

The exhibition 'Medieval Dijle Finds' allows you to become acquainted with finds from the dredging spoil of the Dijle and excavations during major works.

Finally, the exhibition 'the gendarmerie' sketches, on the basis of original uniforms, attributes and other memorabilia, the evolution of the gendarmerie and gendarmerie from 1793 to the unification of the police in 2001.

🕑 2 hours
⭐ For children and adults; easy access for the blind and visually impaired.