Picturesque Schoten

Picturesque Schoten

In addition to eye-catching Schoten monuments, the 'Beeldig Schoten' tour introduces you to Schoten residents' own work.

The carillon on the Market Square (above the current Belfius office) has been digitized. This allows the city council to control the bells from a computer or smartphone. So we can play what we want, when we want. Thanks to the "Te Elfder Ure" competition, every Schoten composer or student/teacher at the Schoten Academy was given the opportunity to compose their own carillon song. The assignment: create a sparkling melody using only ten notes. Result: instrumental compositions of about 40 seconds. The winning composition, "From a five" by Wim Rotty, will be inaugurated today on Open Monument Day. From then until early December, you will be able to listen to the song on the carillon every day at 11 a.m.

The utility cabinets (the gray cabinets full of technical equipment you sometimes see on street corners) desperately needed a refresh. The Arts Council and Heritage Council therefore developed a project to beautify the cabinets. Thanks to the organization of an art competition, every Schoten resident had the opportunity to submit his or her own work of art. The winners will see their artwork appear on one of the utility cabinets. The covering is done by having a quality photograph of the artwork printed on a foil that is applied to the utility boxes. Today on Open Monument Day, the municipality of Schoten inaugurates some new, beautifully decorated utility boxes. Besides works of art, you can also admire old photos and postcards of vanished streetscapes on them. So you can see what that place used to look like.

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