Discover the Castle of Poeke

In this tour you will learn all about the history of the castle of Poeke. Via the keypad you key in numbers 1 to 10, with each number you will discover a piece of the history of the castle.
Thanks to the research work of Jean Camerlinckx you will discover old photographs and archive documents that illustrate the history of the castle. Take a seat on a bench on the beautiful domain and scroll through the past!
In addition to images, you will also discover the wonderful music from the project 'Mandolin Meetjesland'. Storyteller Katelijne Billet went in search of stories from the Meetjesland. The musicians of Mandolinman and Anzats der Maschine created a soundtrack tailored to the place. Among other places in the Meetjesland, the castle of Poeke inspired the storyteller and musicians to compose a music track.
We wish you a pleasant visit.
in collaboration with Erfgoedcel Meetjesland (COMEET), IOED Meetjesland, Municipality of Aalter, Jean Camerlinckx, Mandolinman, Katelijne Billet and Ansatz der Machine.