Reconstruction stories in Koekelare

Koekelare during WWI
Koekelare was just off the front line during World War I. For four years, the German Ortskommandant was in charge. The municipality was never evacuated, yet civilians had to conform to German standards. Daily life was therefore dominated by the occupying forces present. There was a constant movement to and from the front of people, goods and information. German soldiers were billeted here and rested. Bathing facilities were also available. Wounded soldiers regained their strength in the field hospitals. By the way, this story is covered very nicely in words & pictures at the Lange Max Museum.
Nevertheless, there are a few locations in Koekelare that have a connection to the broader reconstruction story. All locations are accessible by bicycle (or car) and offer interesting facts or the little stories behind the reconstruction.
The route was developed in the framework of Feniks 2020. It is a realization of the department of tourism & culture in collaboration with Marc Dewilde and IOED Polderrand. The 'Inventory of Immovable Heritage' together with the image bank 'Souvenhiers' of the archaeological-historical circle Spaenhiers was an important source of content.
⭐ Easy
📍 CC The Brewery
🏁 Mayor Van Ackerestraat